Friday, November 25, 2011

25 weeks and suddenly a much rounder lady!

I had every intention of posting last week, but it's amazing how quickly time slips away!! Let's see - newest updates.  I have officially "popped".  For those of you unfamiliar with this process, this is how it works: two weeks ago, tiny belly.  A week later, it looks like I've smuggled a basketball under my shirt.  It's incredibly bizarre how it all happens.  I am grateful that I no longer look like I hit up the cookie tin a few too many times, but I have officially lost the ability to see my feet when I stand up straight.

Rich has finally been able to feel pnut kicking - which makes us both so happy (now I'm not the only one who gets to feel his soccer skills) - and Julia even got to feel it too!! He's definitely got the rolling around/kicking business perfected - I'm just hoping he keeps those cute little legs OUT of my ribs. I'm hoping that my DC crew will get to feel something when Rich and I are in town next weekend (for my 33rd birthday!!! HOLY COW!)

Since the last post, pnut has been to his first Pats game.  For the record, I will never purchase seats in the second to last row of the stadium unless I am in desperate need of some serious cardio.  Walking up and down 50+ stairs every time you need to use the ladies room, get something to drink, or get that warm pretzel you see everyone eating is serious dedication to attending a game.  Pnut also celebrated his cousin's christening (congrats Noah!!) and Thanksgiving at Glenn Terrace - both of which included delicious snacks that the entire Parziale/Astion family enjoyed greatly.

As always, we are incredibly grateful for everyone's love, support, and (ESPECIALLY) hand-me-downs.  We got a fresh new batch of goodies from Seattle (thanks to Rae, Justin, and the ladies!!) and have a bunch waiting for us in Cambridge, Wilmington, and New York.  We are a lucky lucky group - this pnut is already so loved.  We will owe everyone at least one nice dinner and many MANY hugs.

I promise to post after next weekend's trip (and DC baby shower!!).

Much love!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mica,

    I'm so happy for you, both of you look so happy! Keep up the great posts and pics!
